Sunday, August 28, 2011

Watch Documentaries online | Promote Documentary Film : Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda by Shiva Kumar

Watch Documentaries online | Promote Documentary Film : Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda by Shiva Kumar:

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Hurricane Renewal

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Most of us- sadly, not all- are emerging from Hurricane Gloria land relatively unscathed.  In the New York area there is flooding and property damage; roads are impassable in much of Westchester, Queens and Long Island. Trees are down. Electric power is out in many places and it will take several days at least to get the services we take for granted back to normal.
TAKE FOR GRANTED- There’s a phrase that deserves consideration. Here’s a chance to really appreciate what you have, as the big clean up begins.
The cleaning starts at home- by that I mean, finding ways to calm and center yourself.
Some suggestions:
1. Home yoga practice- this is a great time for restorative yoga. Judith Lassiter has many fine suggestions in her books, which are easily available.  She suggests passive asanas, ending with yoga nidra, a deeply relaxing experience that should end ALL yoga practice.
2. Contact friends and relatives and see if anyone needs your help.

3. Meditate on your good fortune.