Thursday, May 20, 2010

talented kids

We have some very artistic kids at the outpatient clinic here!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Play yoga!

’m supervising a Chinese student using SKYPE- she’s in training to be a psychoanalyst- and we talk about many things, including breath work and yoga. I visit Shanghai every Tuesday morning on the Internet.

In the US, as you know, we “do yoga.” In China, I am delighted to say, people “play yoga.”

Nevertheless, the first time my student said “play yoga” I was a bit taken aback. “Play” yoga? But I don’t like the idea of “doing” yoga either, it seems a bit stiff, maybe shallow. I always think it should be the other way around- I”m not doing yoga, yoga is doing me- and everybody else.

Swamis are often pretty humorous. My Swamiji, Swami Satchidananda was naturally  playful. I bet he “played” yoga plenty, and that he wanted the rest of us to do the same!

Posted via email from lynnsomerstein's posterous

Play yoga!

I’m supervising a Chinese student using SKYPE- she’s in training to be a psychoanalyst- and we talk about many things, including breath work and yoga. I visit Shanghai every Tuesday morning on the Internet.

In the US, as you know, we “do yoga.” In China, I am delighted to say, people “play yoga.”

Nevertheless, the first time my student said “play yoga” I was a bit taken aback. “Play” yoga? But I don’t like the idea of “doing” yoga either, it seems a bit stiff, maybe shallow. I always think it should be the other way around- I”m not doing yoga, yoga is doing me- and everybody else.

Swamis are often pretty humorous. My Swamiji, Swami Satchidananda was naturally playful. I bet he “played” yoga plenty, and that he wanted the rest of us to do the same!

Judge convicts gay couple Malawi: Judge Convicts Gay Couple
Lynn Somerstein | May 18, 2010 at 7:43 am | URL:

Monday, May 17, 2010

BP- act like you care!
BP- Act like you care. You've destroyed the Gulf of Mexico and the people plants and animals living in it and around it.

BP- At least act like you care.

BP destroyed the Gulf of Mexico, the people, plants and animals living in and around it.

Posted via email from lynnsomerstein's posterous

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day! We’re all mothers and fathers, regardless of our gender, and reproductive or parenting histories. We each carry the seeds of connections, the ability to be empathic, the possibility of envisioning other people’s thoughts and feelings, the sure knowledge that others are as real as we are, and the ability to care.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day! We’re all mothers and fathers, regardless of our gender, and reproductive or parenting histories. We each carry the seeds of connections, the ability to be empathic, the possibility of envisioning other people’s thoughts and feelings, the sure knowledge that others are as real as we are, and the ability to care. 

Posted via email from lynnsomerstein's posterous

Thursday, May 6, 2010 - Busy Bees Use Flower Petals For Nest Wallpaper thought you would be interested in this story: Busy Bees Use Flower Petals For Nest Wallpaper

This message was included: Artist bees make nests with flowers.

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Posted via email from lynnsomerstein's posterous

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

LARGE spill at windfarm.

via @huffingtonpost: BREAKING: Large Air Spill At Wind Farm. No Threats Reported. Some Claim To Enjoy The Breeze.

Posted via email from lynnsomerstein's posterous